
to open science
Ling, Roger. (2014). Houses and mosaics at Zeugma excavated by French and Turkish archaeologists. CATHERINE ABADIE-REYNAL et RIFAT ERGEÇ (sous la direction de), ZEUGMA I. FOUILLES DE L'HABITAT (1). LA MOSAÏQUE DE PASIPHAE (Varia Anatolica XXVI; Institut français d’études anatoliennes Georges-Dumézil, CNRS USR 3131; De Boccard, Paris 2012). Pp. 303, figs. 305 (black-and-white), color pls. 53, folding plan. ISBN 978-2-36245-004-4.. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 27(), 855–857. doi:10.1017/S1047759414002062 
An interview with Sci-Hub Founder Alexandra Elbakyan,Who exactly should pay for academic research